Windscreen Repair

If you own a windscreen repair or windscreen replacement business, this may be either a mobile service and/or provide the facility for customers to bring their vehicles to your premises to be dealt with. In both cases, you will require some level of motor trade insurance to provide you with peace of mind should an unfortunate incident occur.

For instance, you may well drive the customer’s car at some point so you would need, by law, to be insured to drive not only your own vehicle but also the customers. Road Risk cover could be taken out.

If, during the repair, the customer was injured whilst watching you work perhaps due to the broken windscreen falling onto the car owner’s foot, they may sue you for damages to cover such things as loss of income and medical treatment and care. If you had public liability insurance in place you could claim on this towards covering the amount you were being sued for and the cost of legal expenses.

Equally, if one of your employees was injured whilst replacing or repairing the car windscreen they may decide to sue you and take you to court if, for instance, they had lost wages if they were unable to work. Employers liability insurance is a legal requirement if you have at least one employee and you could claim on this towards meeting the amount of the claim and legal expenses.

You may require insurance to cover your tools and equipment that you use both when providing a mobile service or when they are in your business premises. You may also wish to insure the buildings if they are your responsibility as well as any stock of windscreens etc.