Collector / Restorer

Should you be involved in the business of collecting and restoring the likes of classic and vintage cars you will require some form of insurance to give you peace of mind should an unfortunate event occur. After all, these vehicles may well be worth considerable sums of money so you need adequate protection.

Such cover may be available as part of a motor trade insurance policy.

Obviously, you will be driving the car when collecting it from the owner’s home to bring it to your garage premises where you will be restoring the vehicle so, legally, will require Road Risk insurance. You will need to decide which level of cover to go for i.e. third party, third party fire and theft or fully comprehensive insurance.

Once the car is at your garage premises your responsibilities towards it should not stop there. You may wish to consider buildings cover if you have to insure the premises.  You may also own some expensive machinery and tools that, if damaged in a fire or be stolen, could impact negatively on your business’s trading performance so you may wish to insure those.

You will wish to ensure that should the classic car be stolen from your business premises that you have cover in place to help towards the retrieval of it or to replace it. Should it be damaged whilst you are restoring it, you will require suitable insurance.

You will be pleased to hear that here at Moto Insurance, we provide customers with access to motor trade insurance quotes from a variety of insurance providers hopefully enabling you to obtain a competitive quotation to cover one or more of the above risks.