Breakdown Recovery

You can often be called out to a broken down vehicle at the most inconvenient of times such as the middle of the night and when the weather is at its worst. This is one of the reasons why running a breakdown and recovery business can be quite dangerous as you could be faced with traffic speeding by you as you try to get a vehicle started again in such conditions.

As careful as you will no doubt try to be, it is possible that you could damage the vehicle whilst attempting to load it onto a recovery truck. Despite you asking the owner of the vehicle to stand well back whilst you do this, he or she may try to help you in some way and suffer a serious injury. This is where the public liability element of a motor trade insurance policy could provide you with protection.

As good as you are, mistakes do happen and having managed to repair a car at the roadside, if it were to subsequently break down shortly after leaving the scene causing an accident you may be faced with a claim against you for financial compensation. Again, suitable liability cover could be arranged.

You are likely to drive not only your recovery truck but also customers’ vehicles so Road Risk insurance would be required by law.

If you employ anyone, whether that is full or part time, you are legally obliged to arrange employers liability insurance. This would provide cover should they sue you as a result of having an accident whilst working for you.

We have been helping customers arrange this type of cover for some time so why not take the opportunity to get a competitive quotation from Moto Insurance